When replacing old furniture or leaving Japan, many people find themselves dealing with the issue of bulk garbage. In this article, we’ll discuss the proper way of disposing of it, plus things to keep in mind. Please read the following guide carefully, as improper disposal of oversized trash can get you a fine!
What is Bulk Garbage?

Every municipality defines “bulk garbage” separately, but in Tokyo, it means any electric, gas, or oil-burning appliance, furniture, bedding, or bicycle whose height, width, or depth exceed 30 cm. Such items need to be disposed of the proper way; they cannot be thrown away like regular garbage. Incidentally, you should also remember that the following items cannot be thrown away as bulk garbage.
Items Covered by the Home Appliance Recycling Law

The Home Appliance Recycling Law aims to conserve resources and reduce waste by promoting the recycling of parts and materials from a number of household appliances like air conditioners, television sets, refrigerators, or washing machines. That’s why, when you’re replacing any one of those, you can trade in the old one at the store, or if you’re just throwing them away, you can get the store you bought them at to dispose of them for you. If you don’t know where the appliance came from, you can contact your local municipal office and they’ll tell you how to handle it. The costs of trading in or disposing of an appliance will differ depending on the manufacturer.
Items Covered by the Law for the Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources

The Law for the Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources is a law promoting the 3 R’s: Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling. When it comes to bulk garbage, the law mainly applies to PCs. There are various ways of disposing of these, but letting the manufacturer handle it for you is the easiest.
The Proper Way of Disposing of Bulk Garbage
In this section, we’ll talk about the proper way of disposing of bulk garbage in the Edogawa ward of Tokyo. Every municipality has their own rules for bulky trash, so please check the website of your local municipality for more details.
To dispose of bulk garbage, you’ll first have to apply for it either online or by phone. In this section, we’ll talk about applying online.
1. Go to Your Local Municipality’s Website
Your local municipality’s website will definitely have a section about bulk garbage, which will detail the proper steps of disposing of it. Just follow them and you’ll be alright! In Edogawa, you first have to register at the “Bulk Garbage Reception Center.”
2. Fill Out the Form

After registering, an application link will be sent to your email address. Click it and fill out the application form, making sure to not miss the following required sections:
排出方法: Disposal Method (Bring-in [持込] or Collection [収集])
排出場所: Place of Disposal (in case of a collection, specify where do you want the trash picked up: at the door, a garbage collection point, or other)
電話番号: Phone number
氏名: Name
住所: Address
3. Select the Type of Bulk Garbage from a List and Specify the Amount (Areas Circled in Red)

4. Final Confirmation
After entering all the necessary information, you’ll be taken to a final confirmation screen. If all the entered information is correct, confirm it.
5. Buy an “Edogawa Ward Paid Bulk Garbage Disposal Ticket”

A “Paid Bulk Garbage Disposal Ticket” is a sticker that you put on your oversized refuse when throwing it away. If you don’t do it, then your garbage won’t be picked up, so please remember to put the sticker on whatever you’re getting rid of.
There are two kinds of tickets: A and B. They’re used to pay for the disposal of bulk garbage and differ in price by 100 yen. The price of bulk garbage disposal differs depending on the item, so you can buy a number of A and B tickets to pay the exact required amount. The final screen will tell you how many tickets you will need (parts circled in red). In this case, you’ll need two A tickets (priced at 200 yen each) for a total of 400 yen.
The tickets can be purchased at any designated Paid Bulk Garbage Disposal Ticket service point, which can be a convenience store or a supermarket. Make sure to buy them in the same area where you live, as these tickets are not transferable between different areas. The tickets have the name of their valid area printed on them, so make sure to double-check it at purchase.
6. Write your name or the registration number you were issued during the application process on the ticket and put it on your garbage.
7. If you’re bringing in the garbage yourself, go to a “Bulk Garbage Drop-off Facility” or, if you’ve chosen “Collection,” put your garbage outside your door before 8 AM.
▼Bulk Garbage-Related Websites for Edogawa
Things to Watch Out for When Bringing the Garbage Yourself

When bringing in your garbage directly to the drop-off facility, you’ll first have to register online. If you forget to do it beforehand, you’ll have wasted time and will need to make a second trip later. Also, make sure to double-check when the facility accepts garbage deliveries.
Some facilities also require a form of ID with your name and address, like a driver’s license of a health insurance card, so make sure to bring something like that with you just in case.
Things to Watch Out For When Having Your Garbage Collected

When having your bulk garbage collected, make sure to follow all the instructions like “Please put out the bulk garbage outside your home before ___ am”. If you miss the pick-up, you’ll have to start the application process all over again. Give yourself enough time in the morning to put the garbage out before the collection time.
In many cases, the collection crew cannot enter your residence to pick up the bulk garbage (although the service is available for handicapped people) so ask a friend or a work colleague for help carrying it out if you can’t do it yourself.
Illegal Dumping

If, for whatever reason, you dispose of bulk garbage improperly, you may be subject to imprisonment or a fine, so make sure to follow all of your municipality’s rules when throwing away large-size refuse, otherwise you risk:
• A prison sentence of up to 5 years, a fine of up to 10 million yen, or both.
• An additional fine of up to 300 million yen imposed on a corporation if they were involved in illegal dumping.
And that was our guide to disposing of bulk garbage. When throwing away large-size refuse, please consult this article and follow all the rules, and you should have no problems!
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The information in this article is accurate at the time of publication.